Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bottle of wine, fruit of the vine...

Another successful day is drawing to a close...only a few more hours until bedtime!  This one day at a time plan is working for me.

Tonight I would like to discuss one of my major vices that has contributed to my weight  There are 562 calories in a bottle (.75l) of average table wine.  There were many times that I polished off a bottle of wine.  When I extrapolate the data (yes, I did have to take statistics), it appears that wine is possibly responsible for at least 50 of my extra pounds.  Some people like full-strength soda, some people like wine.  I like wine. 

Most dieters are unsuccessful when they totally eliminate certain foods, in this case a beverage, from the diet.  I do not intend to eliminate wine.  However, I am cutting back. 

Why do I like wine so much?  It tastes good!  It relaxes me!  It gives me a buzz!  Any wine-lover will tell you that there's nothing like a glass of good wine (or even box wine) at the end of a stressful day.  Let's face it.  For most of us, that would be every day.  My problem was not with a glass of wine, it was that the glass of wine after work led to the glass of wine while I was cooking which left only a glass in the bottle, and who wants to store that??!  (I have never learned to pour a glass of wine as they do in a restaurant.  In my book, a glass is filled to the rim!)

I have decided that drastic times  demand drastic measures.  I am limiting myself to a glass of wine, and only when I really want one.  My new stress eliminator is exercise.  I know that I will always love a nice pinot noir, that will never change.  However, how much of the elixir of life that I consume will change!

Tip of the day:  As you begin the one day at a time plan, I'd suggest cutting out all alcohol for a few days.  You'll be amazed at how it jump starts weight loss.  (I know it's only water weight, but psychologically it's been a huge plus!)

1 comment:

  1. I have been waiting for a post all day! My vice is diet soda. While not high-calorie, the artificial sweeteners make your body crave food. I am closing in on my fourth day soda (and caffeine!!) free! I love that you're doing this blog - it gives me something to check into instead of sneaking snacks on the couch...
